The automobile industry is going through a transformation phase where newer technologies, consumer expectations and regulatory changes are setting the agenda of the future of mobility. Growth of electric, hybrid, alternate fuel vehicles, demand for making lighter vehicles, and smaller engines with high power output amongst other have further generated the need of advanced engineering solutions. Foresight Technologies is poised to slip in to support Industry with best of skills, experience and knowledge
The developing countries have gained a never before pace towards enhanced life styles with utmost importance to health, comfort and pleasure. Continuous exposure to mechanical, electric, pnumatic, hydraulic power operated equipments at all human interaction avenues is a challenge to their comfort and health due to acoustically loud, ergonomically uncomfortable, thermally unbearable and longer vibratory interactions. We support White goods manufacturer to work on NVH, CFD, Ergonomics, Dynamics of the products.
Big infrastructural projects often spur growth and tilt the economy in the upward direction but at the same time causes a significant impact on the environment. Projects like metro, excavation, mining, railways amongst other create significant noise and vibration that can affect the surrounding environment. Our expert NVH services can help you counter such challenges and support growth without impacting the environment.
Customers awareness and ill effect realization of exposure to discomforts provided by Vehicles, Motor cycles, Trains and other mass transport mobility devices, Agri equipments, Construction Equipments, Processing Equipments, White Goods etc.. has been a major factor in decision making while purchase of the product. Well planned technical execution of product design and development with upfront attention to design for comfort is extremely necessary.
Major part of development activities in developing countries gives rise to environmental disturbances in the form of noise, vibrations, pollution etc. Quntification of ill effects of undue exposure of workers and residents to noise and vibration is a need of time. Integration of noise and vibration control measures at industries, construction sites, amusement parks, gardens and leasure locations, big residential societies is of paramount importance
Every country has stringent policies to keep noise and vibration levels under permissible limits, as it impacts not only humans’ health but also to the health of the whole ecological system. The ever tightening noise and vibration regulations is the outcome of demonstrated ill effects of undue exposure to noise and vibration by user of products. Businesses are under pressure to deliver the products well optimized for NVH within competitive price.